Sunday 26 January 2014

Fractions decimals and percentages - Comparing & Converting

When comparing fractions decimals and percentages it is a good idea to convert them so they are all either a fraction, a decimal or a percentage.  If you convert them to fractions it easier to write them all with a common denominator making them easier to compare

Converting decimals to percentages and fractions

To convert 0.36 to a percentage is very easy.  If the decimal you are looking at is 0. something and has 2 decimal places then ignore your 0. and you have the percentage so 0.36 is 36%, if the decimal doesn't have 2 decimal places like 0.4 then add a zero to make 2 decimal places so 0.4 becomes 0.40 and so is 40%

Converting to fractions, you can either use your percentage because all percentages are out of 100 so 0.36 is 36% so is 36/100 and then cancel or use what you know about place value.

0.36, the last digit is in the hundredths column and so 0.36 = 36/100 which cancels to 9/25.

And so 0.4 the last digit is in the tenths column so 0.4 = 4/10 which cancels to 2/5.

Converting percentages to decimals and fractions

Percentages are out of 100 so every percentage can be written as a fraction out of 100 and cancelled appropriately.

If a percentage has 2 digits (in the tens and units column) then to write as a decimal put a 0. in front of the digit.

E.G 27% is 0.27, 56% is 0.56.

If the percentage is only 1 digit in the units column remember to add a zero first so 3% is 0.03 and 7% is 0.07.

If you look we are dividing each % by 100 to convert to a decimal.

Converting Fractions to percentages and decimals

This is the hardest to do sometimes.

If this can't be done simply remember a fraction is a division so 4/7 is 4 divided by 7 which gives you 0.571428 (to 6 decimal places) x by 100 to change to a  percentage which is 57% (to the nearest %)

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